Debunking Myths: Fun Facts and Misconceptions About Durian

Durian, often referred to as the "King of Fruits," is a fruit that elicits strong reactions. Its distinctive smell, unique taste, and spiky exterior have given rise to numerous myths and misconceptions. Let’s separate fact from fiction and explore the truth behind some of the most common myths about durians.

Myth 1: Durians Smell Awful

The Truth:Yes, durians have a strong and unique aroma, but whether it’s awful or delightful is entirely subjective. While some people describe the smell as a mix of rotten onions and turpentine, others find it sweet and alluring. The perception of durian’s smell often depends on individual taste and familiarity with the fruit. In Southeast Asia, the aroma is often associated with deliciousness and indulgence.

Myth 2: Durians Are Dangerous to Eat with Alcohol

The Truth:This myth likely stems from the fact that both durians and alcohol are heavy on the digestive system. While it’s not necessarily dangerous, consuming large amounts of durian and alcohol together can cause discomfort due to their richness. Moderation is key. So, if you plan to enjoy both, do so in sensible quantities to avoid any digestive issues.

Myth 3: Durians Are High in Cholesterol

The Truth:Durians do not contain cholesterol. Cholesterol is found in animal products, not in fruits or vegetables. While durians are high in fats, they are healthy fats that can be beneficial in moderation. These fats include monounsaturated fats, which can help reduce bad cholesterol levels. So, you can enjoy durians without worrying about cholesterol.

Myth 4: Durians Are Too Sweet for Diabetics

The Truth:While durians do have a higher sugar content compared to some other fruits, they also have a low glycemic index (GI), meaning they have a slower impact on blood sugar levels. Diabetics can enjoy durian in moderation as part of a balanced diet. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized dietary advice.

Myth 5: Durians are an Aphrodisiac

The Truth:This is a fun myth with no scientific backing. The idea that durians are an aphrodisiac likely comes from their rich, creamy texture and the indulgent feeling they provide. While enjoying a delicious durian might put you in a good mood, there’s no evidence to suggest it has any aphrodisiac properties.

Myth 6: All Durians Taste the Same

The Truth:Far from it! There are many varieties of durian, each with its unique flavor profile. For instance, Musang King is known for its bittersweet taste and creamy texture, while Red Prawn is famous for its sweet, slightly fibrous flesh. The diversity in taste, texture, and aroma among different durian varieties is vast, making each durian experience unique.

Myth 7: Durians are Banned Everywhere

The Truth:While it’s true that durians are banned in many hotels and public transportation systems in Southeast Asia due to their strong smell, they are not universally banned. Many places have designated areas for eating durian, and in markets and durian shops, you can freely enjoy the fruit. So, while you might need to be mindful of where you eat durian, it’s far from being universally prohibited.

Myth 8: Durians Cause Heatiness

The Truth:In traditional Chinese medicine, durians are considered a "heaty" fruit, which means they can cause the body to feel warm. While this isn’t a scientifically proven concept, some people might feel warm after eating durian due to its high-calorie content. Drinking water or consuming “cooling” fruits like mangosteen afterward is a common practice to balance out the “heatiness.”

Myth 9: Durians are Only Popular in Asia

The Truth:While durians are indeed most popular in Southeast Asia, their fame has spread globally. Durian can be found in specialty stores and Asian markets in many Western countries. There’s a growing community of durian enthusiasts around the world who appreciate its unique flavor and nutritional benefits.


Durians, with their distinctive smell and rich, creamy flesh, are surrounded by numerous myths and misconceptions. By debunking these myths, we can appreciate durians for what they truly are: a unique and delicious fruit that offers a complex taste experience. Whether you love it or are yet to acquire the taste, understanding the facts about durians can help you enjoy this "King of Fruits" without any reservations.